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Update 46.2.1 Release Notes

Update 46.2.1 Release Notes

Here are the Release Notes for Update 46.2.1, released on Tuesday, June 9th. 


News and Notes:



  • Fixed an issue where some random loot material types were displaying incorrectly. 
  • Crumbling Jewels of Fortune now point you to the correct Crafting NPC.
  • Minor Treasure Hunter Elixirs now function correctly. 

Reaper Difficulty

  • Fixed issues that were causing some Reaper Enhancement tree benefits to not function correctly.
  • Fixed issues that were causing some Reaper Enhancement tree benefits from not being able to be acquired.
  • Reaper Enhancement tree cores are once again properly applied outside of Reaper dungeons.
  • Reaper's Evasion enhancements now give their proper bonus to Dodge.
  • Hit points from Reaper trees now properly apply and remove when entering and leaving Reaper dungeons.

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