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The DDO Chronicle: Issue 419


Community Spotlights

The fourth season of the Hardcore League starts on Wednesday! Learn more about the Hardcore League on the forums.

Strimtom checks out bow changes on Lamannia! Watch the video on Twitch to see more about his thoughts.

To nominate a player, email with the subject line "PLAYER SPOTLIGHT"

When following the trail of a beholder it is always important to _____.

Comment on the DDO Forums here and you could win DDO Points!

Fansite News

DDOcast has the latest news with an old host! Cordovan is joined by Bonnie Bew and Evennote in this week's episode on

DDO Players News talks Gen Con and more! Listen to their latest podcast on

The Damsels teach you how to MMO! Find out how on their multi-game podcast including DDO.

DDOstream is your first stop to find DDO on Twitch! This week Bard Life celebrates an anniversary, Voodu has coffee and chat, and Brighter Days Ahead Tonight figures things out!

Also on Twitch, Sapphire_Roxis dungeon crawls, Noobicabra TRs, and Deathly_TV wraps up heroic!

Over on YouTube, Ysukai runs The Archbishop's Fate, triyang runs Ruined Halls, and Father and Son Gaming prepare for a move!

Let's Talk Shop!

Screenshot of the Week!

Systembackup lurks in The Marketplace in this week's DDO Screenshot of the Week! Thanks,Systembackup, for sending in this week's screenshot.

Click here to learn how your screenshot could be the next Screenshot of the Week!

In the News!

  • DDO Bonus Days bring you Double Mysterious Remnants and Double Commendations of Valor, now through March 28th!
  • This is your final weekend to get Heroic, Epic, and Improved Otto's Boxes! Available in the DDO Store through March 28th.
  • Improve Your Character!
    • Get 25% off:
    • Select Stat and Skill Tomes
    • Tomes of Heroic and Epic Learning
    • Harper Agent Enhancement Tree
    • Now through April 1st!
  • The Weekly Coupon gets you a Glamered Weapon Aura with the Coupon Code: HACKNGLAM, now through April 1st!

That's all for this week's edition of the DDO Chronicle. We'll see you next time!

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