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Razor Cat

Type: Magical Beast
Environment: Usually temperate forests or cold mountains
Attack: Claws and bite
Special Qualities: Retributive spike attack and knockdown
Organization: Solitary, pair, hunting group (3-7), or pride (8-20)
“A Summoned Guardian: Razorcats”

As I raced through the crowd and darted into the woods behind a tavern, I ripped off the disguise that made look as silly as my brother. I don’t know why I let him talk me into these shenanigans. The little thief will get what he deserves now that he’s been caught.

But he’s my brother. Perhaps I should find Daine and attempt a jailbreak.

I ran until I could not run any longer, and stopped to catch my breath. I found myself in a large clearing in the woods and on the other side of the clearing lay several razorcats sunning themselves in the sun. I had stumbled onto their territory. I was in grave danger if they noticed me.

I backed away slowly and silently, hoping to avoid the attention of the cats. I had almost reached the edge of the clearing when there came a snap from under my feet as I stepped on a twig. Immediately, each cat was standing at attention and staring me directly in the eyes. We stood staring each other down for what felt like eternity until they sprang forward in unison, quickly closing the gap between us. I had to think fast. I closed my eyes and whispered a little chant.

When I opened them again another razorcat had appeared directly in front of me facing the others in a battle stance. He was much larger than the rest. A soon as the charging pride saw my summoned friend, they halted immediately but kept their defensive poise and posture.

For a moment it was clear that the large cat was communicating with the others. Then he glanced back at me as if to say. “Lets go, and make it quick.”

I walked slowly across the clearing past the pride, who watched my every move. When I had reached the other side and ducked into the woods again, I looked back to see the big cat still watching me. I waved a thank you and he bowed his head before vanishing before my eyes. In the distance, the other razorcats had resumed their nap in the sun as if nothing had happened.

Reports have been coming in for a while now about a cat-like beast that may be new to science. Recently my curiosity was piqued to the point where I finally decided to do some investigating. I also sent a few scouts out into the wilds of Xen’drik with the specific task of researching these creatures. We have brought back some fascinating information.

A new type of cat indeed stalks the wilderness, a wily hunter and incredibly capable fighter. Dubbed the razor cat by one of my scouts, this dexterous creature has an astonishing array of adaptations which contribute to the beast’s success. While they appear to be similar to big cats like tigers, they have abilities which surpass those of animals. Our preliminary reports indicate that they age slowly and have very long lives. I feel sure that they are magical beasts.

Roaming across wide areas, closely knit prides of these cats defend their territory against any other creatures they view as competing hunters or as a threat to their young. One of my scouts viewed an incredible battle between a razor cat pride and a cruel group of rogue hill giants. She said the scene played out much like a fight between a highly skilled ninja and a drunken minotaur. Using their innate abilities to perfection, the razor cats made fairly short work of the giants.

Razor cats have great strength and dexterity, and can claw and bite their enemies with incredible accuracy. They do, however, have an additional secret weapon that is even more lethal, and especially so to those ignorant of the threat. A razor cat’s coat bristles with a combination of sharp spines, bone-like blades, and fine quills. As a result, anyone who hits a razor cat in melee combat risks being injured by these spiky projections. For every successful melee hit, the attacker must rely on his reflexes to avoid being injured by the spikes. This was one reason the hill giants faired so poorly.

While on my scouting trip, I was able to observe a series of combats between razor cats. They often fight each other over mating rights, territorial disputes, and perhaps other matters which I could not discern. These amazing battles unfold in an almost ritualistic fashion, complete with bows of the head, feints, and savage claw attacks and body slams. I theorize that this recurring combat with one another is why they appear to be resistant to non-bludgeoning physical injury. Being constantly pierced and slashed by each other’s spikes and claws, they have evolved a way to deflect or absorb this form of damage.

When confronted with hostile razor cats remember these points. Be prepared to smash through the defenses of their hide by having bludgeoning weapons ready. When hit, razor cats seem to move into the attack in order to most effectively use their spikes. Unless you have exceedingly quick reflexes, you should only engage them in melee combat if you have spear block items or high physical damage resistance. If you attack from range, remember that your bolts and arrows will be a lot less effective than usual. Throwing hammers are the best option if you plan on launching a sustained ranged assault on a group of razor cats. Also, be advised that frost and ice attacks and spells should be avoided as these creatures easily shrug off the cold. Whatever your means of attack, remain alert. Unseen pride mates may stealthily outflank you and charge out of nowhere, ending your adventure a little earlier than you’d like.

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